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class BasePreProcessor(BaseComponent)


def process(documents: Union[dict, Document, List[Union[dict, Document]]], clean_whitespace: Optional[bool] = True, clean_header_footer: Optional[bool] = False, clean_empty_lines: Optional[bool] = True, remove_substrings: List[str] = [], split_by: Optional[str] = "word", split_length: Optional[int] = 1000, split_overlap: Optional[int] = None, split_respect_sentence_boundary: Optional[bool] = True) -> List[Document]

Perform document cleaning and splitting. Takes a single Document or a List of Documents as input and returns a list of Documents.

Module preprocessor


class PreProcessor(BasePreProcessor)


def __init__(clean_whitespace: bool = True, clean_header_footer: bool = False, clean_empty_lines: bool = True, remove_substrings: List[str] = [], split_by: str = "word", split_length: int = 200, split_overlap: int = 0, split_respect_sentence_boundary: bool = True, language: str = "en", id_hash_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None)


  • clean_header_footer: Use heuristic to remove footers and headers across different pages by searching for the longest common string. This heuristic uses exact matches and therefore works well for footers like "Copyright 2019 by XXX", but won't detect "Page 3 of 4" or similar.
  • clean_whitespace: Strip whitespaces before or after each line in the text.
  • clean_empty_lines: Remove more than two empty lines in the text.
  • remove_substrings: Remove specified substrings from the text.
  • split_by: Unit for splitting the document. Can be "word", "sentence", or "passage". Set to None to disable splitting.
  • split_length: Max. number of the above split unit (e.g. words) that are allowed in one document. For instance, if n -> 10 & split_by -> "sentence", then each output document will have 10 sentences.
  • split_overlap: Word overlap between two adjacent documents after a split. Setting this to a positive number essentially enables the sliding window approach. For example, if split_by -> word, split_length -> 5 & split_overlap -> 2, then the splits would be like: [w1 w2 w3 w4 w5, w4 w5 w6 w7 w8, w7 w8 w10 w11 w12]. Set the value to 0 to ensure there is no overlap among the documents after splitting.
  • split_respect_sentence_boundary: Whether to split in partial sentences if split_by -> word. If set to True, the individual split will always have complete sentences & the number of words will be <= split_length.
  • language: The language used by "nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize" in iso639 format. Available options: "en", "es", "de", "fr" & many more.
  • id_hash_keys: Generate the document id from a custom list of strings that refer to the document's attributes. If you want to ensure you don't have duplicate documents in your DocumentStore but texts are not unique, you can modify the metadata and pass e.g. "meta" to this field (e.g. ["content", "meta"]). In this case the id will be generated by using the content and the defined metadata.


def process(documents: Union[dict, Document, List[Union[dict, Document]]], clean_whitespace: Optional[bool] = None, clean_header_footer: Optional[bool] = None, clean_empty_lines: Optional[bool] = None, remove_substrings: List[str] = [], split_by: Optional[str] = None, split_length: Optional[int] = None, split_overlap: Optional[int] = None, split_respect_sentence_boundary: Optional[bool] = None, id_hash_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[Document]

Perform document cleaning and splitting. Can take a single document or a list of documents as input and returns a list of documents.


def clean(document: Union[dict, Document], clean_whitespace: bool, clean_header_footer: bool, clean_empty_lines: bool, remove_substrings: List[str], id_hash_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Document

Perform document cleaning on a single document and return a single document. This method will deal with whitespaces, headers, footers and empty lines. Its exact functionality is defined by the parameters passed into PreProcessor.init().


def split(document: Union[dict, Document], split_by: str, split_length: int, split_overlap: int, split_respect_sentence_boundary: bool, id_hash_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[Document]

Perform document splitting on a single document. This method can split on different units, at different lengths, with different strides. It can also respect sentence boundaries. Its exact functionality is defined by the parameters passed into PreProcessor.init(). Takes a single document as input and returns a list of documents.